Embrace the Natural You is for all tresses, curls, kinks, and coils! We chose every ingredient and formulated each and every product. All of our products are pH balanced, packed with moisture, smoothing emollients and oils, and smell really amazing. Whether you typically rock wash and go curls, twist outs, braid outs, bantu knots, protective styles or heatless curls then these moisture rich products will work for you! We use all of our products in our salon!

Tress Refresh Curl Mist - 8 oz

Scalp Fix Anti-Itch Cocktail - 8 oz - NEW!

Twist Truffle Whip - 8 oz

Scalp + Growth Elixer - 8 oz

Hair + Skin Hydration Tapioca - 8 oz (Unscented)

Edge Glaze - 4 oz -NEW!